interlocking work, play & worship
have you heard pastor ted from lgc talk about the interlocking cycle of church ministry?

well, this is my interlocking cycle of trying to get through to the end of my masters program:

well, this is my interlocking cycle of trying to get through to the end of my masters program:

Labels: self.other
Just a little longer....hang in there!
hehee... thanks agatha. i will!! :D
wahHAHAHAHA!!!! this is exactly what my life is like!!!
ai ya, josh! go and study, la!! or else, you will get in trouble.
mrs. chan
ps. nice guess on baby chan!
Yeah! KIler Sudoku!
JOSH!!!!!!! thanks for the congrats. can't believe I am done. will be joining you in the social work field. haha. man, so crazy. I still am not sure what I should be doing.
talk to you soooooon.
This is a funny blog. yes, very funny.
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